Expert Advice on Weight Loss
Recently, I had a fitness exam and needed to lose weight fast but healthy – I didn’t want to starve myself to death. That’s how I discovered this amazing diet plan which can make you lose 10 pounds in only a week and is highly nutritional. I’m a register nutritionist and physician, so I always strive to promote whole food nutrition – that’s why this diet doesn’t include weight-loss supplements.

To lose weight, you need to eat healthy, fresh and organic food bought from your local market. In my nutrition clinic, I often advise young parents on the diet of their child in order to maximize their growth and health potential. I know that the weight pills on the market offer amazing possibilities, but they are unhealthy and cause diarrhea, nausea and other serious problems.
By following this diet, you will be able to lose 10-15 pounds and you won’t lose any essential nutrients from your body. It’s all about controlling the food intake. This diet will also positively influence your skin and digestive system.
Weigh yourself at the beginning and end of the diet. Between that, put away the scale to start focusing on how you feel instead of how much weight you have lost. One the last day, step on the scale to see the results.
Seven-day diet: follow the links for instruction
Day one: eat any fruit except bananas
The recommended fruit for the first day of your diet are apples, watermelon and any kind of citrus fruit. Bananas are reserved for day four.
Day two: eat raw or boiled vegetables
Eat all the vegetables you want – raw or boiled, or in a salad. It’s up to you.
Day three: combine raw or boiled fruit and vegetables
Day three is a fruit and vegetable combination day. The link includes a salad recipe, a workout video and some advice. It also answers why sleep is important when you’re on a diet.
Day four: milk, bananas and a low-cal soup
The fourth day is a little tougher to get over, but you’ve reached the middle of the road! It contains a low-cal soup, and the link provides a little pep talk which will help you succeed.
Day five: combine fruit, vegetables and rice
By now, you should feel like you lost some weight. The fifth day of the menu includes tomatoes, a crucial chemical for weight loss.
Day six: vegetables and rice
Just one day to go! Eat some vegetables and rice, and you can also include the salads and soup from day two and four.
Day seven: rice, soup and salad
The last day meals should consist of vegetables and rice from the sixth day, soup and a salad.
Remember to eat only fresh food!
The following questions are of a personal nature and the answer depends on your health. You should consider this:
– Has your doctor recommended a diet because of cardiovascular disease?
– Do you have high blood pressure?
– Are you experiencing joint pain due to excess weight?
– Are you light-framed or heavy-framed? What is your height?
– What is your BMI (body mass index)?
Height and Healthy Weight Chart for Women (Weight in Pounds)
Height (Feet Inches)Small FrameMedium FrameLarge Frame
4′ 10″102-111109-121118-131
4′ 11″103-113111-123120-134
5′ 0″104-115113-126122-137
5′ 1″106-118115-129125-140
5′ 2″108-121118-132128-143
5′ 3″111-124121-135131-147
5′ 4″114-127124-138134-151
5′ 5″117-130127-141137-155
5′ 6″120-133130-144140-159
5′ 7″123-136133-147143-163
5′ 8″126-139136-150146-167
5′ 9″129-142139-153149-170
5′ 10″132-145142-156152-173
5′ 11″135-148145-159155-176
6′ 0″138-151148-162158-179
 Height and Healthy Weight Chart for Men (Weight in Pounds)
HeightSmall FrameMedium FrameLarge Frame
5′ 2″128-134131-141138-150
5′ 3″130-136133-143140-153
5′ 4″132-138135-145142-156
5′ 5″134-140137-148144-160
5′ 6″136-142139-151146-164
5′ 7″138-145142-154149-168
5′ 8″140-148145-157152-172
5′ 9″142-151148-160155-176
5′ 10″144-154151-163158-180
5′ 11″146-157154-166161-184
6′ 0″149-160157-170164-188
6′ 1″152-164160-174168-192
6′ 2″155-168164-178172-197
6′ 3″158-172167-182176-202
6′ 4″162-176171-187181-207
How to Calculate Your Body Mass Index (BMI)
The BMI is a value that is derived from your weight and height, showing the amount of tissue fat in the body. To calculate it, you need your exact height and weight. Then, divide the weight by your height. Here’s what the result means:
18.5 or under: Underweight
18.5-24.9: Normal
25-29.9: Overweight
30 or above: Obese
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  1. What links? And how much fluid are you allowed?
