Helps in conceiving
B vitamins are of a great importance for the creation of sex hormones. Vitamin B9, a.k.a. folic acid, helps in the formation of neural tube and red blood cells, thus reducing the risk of mental retardation. 1 egg consists of 7 micrograms of this vitamin.
The vision is protected thanks to lutein
According to the latest researches, chicken eggs are rich in lutein, a substance that is responsible for sharp and clear vision. Lutein deficiency reduce vision and causes harmful problems.
Vitamin B complex protects the hair, liver, and skin
Vitamin B12, biotin, and some other proteins are essential for skin and hair strengthening. Phospholipids which can be found in hen eggs promote toxin elimination from the liver.
Reducing the risk of cancer
Choline reduces the risk of cancer and is an essential part for the brain. Women who ate eggs on a daily basis, were less likely to get breast cancer by 15%.
Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease
Numerous studies proved the fact that cholesterol (that is found in eggs) can be balanced thanks to phosphatides. Therefore, it’s not bad for your health. At the same time, it reduces cholesterol production in the body. Moreover, eggs are rich in omega 3 fatty acids which lower the blood triglycerides, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Previous Page
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