Having a beautiful smooth skin is considered as a sign that you are happy, healthy and reflects your overall wellbeing. As we age our skin is prone to developing acne, wrinkles and age spots. Dermatologists have proven that these traits are the natural side effects of aging and there are ways we can keep our skin looking naturally flawless.
Best Natural Remedies That Help Keep Your Face Looking Young

When we notice that our skin is succumbing to age we naturally try out different anti-wrinkle creams which do more harm than good. Anti-wrinkle creams and other skin care products are full of chemicals which might have an adverse effect on your skin in the future. Furthermore, skin care products are expensive and offer a short term solution. The best solution to get back that soft flawless baby skin is by using natural remedies.
Oh Yes, you heard me right! Going natural will get back that even skin tone and rejuvenate your skin cells. We have compiled the best natural remedies for you and you will amaze everyone with your looks. These natural remedies help you keep the skin hydrated, exfoliation of dead skin cells and disinfect the skin. Dermatologists have shown that tempering with the pH levels on the skin kills beneficial bacteria. Natural remedies help create a balance on your skin by killing harmful bacteria, prevent fungal infection and formation of rashes.
Our recipes have antibacterial and anti-fungal properties that keep your skin from harm’s way. The skin develops rashes and acne due to attacks by pathogens which causes your pores to block promoting the development of dead cells. Naturally, we can prevent this and keep our skin looking smooth and healthy. We will start with a remedy for our face since it is our biggest selling point.
This remedy has proven to very effective in restoring the facial skin to its glory days.

Pure Honey and Papaya Face MaskThe papaya is well known for its anti-aging properties and we are going to take advantage of that. The extract obtained from the fruit helps fight wrinkles and gets rids of dark spots. Papain, an enzyme naturally occurring in the fruit helps protect the skin from inflammation and formation of pus pockets.

We will mash the papaya fruit into a thick paste and then add honey into it. Stir the mixture till you get a consistency of the paste. Honey is known for its anti-aging property. In fact, Ancient Egyptians used honey in the mummification process since honey could preserve the bodies for a long period of time. After you are satisfied with the mixture to apply it on your face and neck. Let the facial mask stay for about 10 minutes before rinsing your face and neck. The ingredients contained in the mixture help in exfoliation and improve the health of the skin cell. You can formulate a schedule when to do this and you will, in the long run, get back your natural smooth skin.

The Raw Honey and Milk TreatmentThis is our second facial skin remedy. The honey and milk treatment is effective in combating redness and irritation of the skin. The skin feels more elastic and thus making you feel comfortable. Here is what is needed for this procedure.

– 1 teaspoonful of honey
– 1 teaspoonful of milk or yogurt
Mix the two ingredients together and then apply the mixture on your face. You can use a cotton ball to apply the mixture on your face and get the desired results. Let the mixture stay on your face for fifteen minutes before cleaning up. After the elapsed time passes you can clean up and you will feel the difference.

Cinnamon, honey, lemon and nutmeg remedyCinnamon, honey, and lemon are well known for their antibacterial properties. Cinnamon is quite potent and will kill off any bacteria attempting to attack your skin. This remedy is particularly effective in combating acne and will help the skin heal.

If you are constantly having bacterial attacks on your skin or leave in humid regions then we recommend this remedy for you. The antimicrobial properties of the ingredients protect the skin from attacks. Nutmeg, on the other hand, is known for its anti-inflammatory effects and will keep the skin looking and feeling young. This facial remedy will tackle a wide array of your skin ailments.
Ingredients needed:
– 1 teaspoonful of lemon juice/extract
– 1 teaspoonful of honey (must be pure)
– 1/2 teaspoonful of nutmeg
– 1/2 teaspoonful of cinnamon
Steps to follow
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl till you get a paste. Apply this paste on your face avoiding your eyes as it might sting. Avoid applying on the mouth and near your nasal cavity. Let the paste settle on your face for half an hour or so. Some people might complain about a stinging effect near the half hour mark. You can rinse it off if you feel the stinging effect. Those with sensitive skin can dilute the lemon juice or leave it out the mixture. This remedy keeps you looking younger by fighting off infections.

Banana and Avocado RemedyThe banana and avocado remedy revitalizes your skin by providing it with essential oils, minerals, and vitamins. It helps treat acne by increasing moisturization of the skin and keep off impurities. Those with facial scars are highly encouraged to try out this remedy and they will see notable changes.

Several bananas and an avocado are required. Cut the banana and avocado into smaller pieces. Add them to the blender and blend them till you get a nice looking paste/fluid. Add honey or olive and blend again. We will apply this paste on the face and let it act for about thirty minutes. You can use an alarm to notify you when the time has elapsed. Rinse your face using warm water to get rid of the mixture.

Aloe Vera and Turmeric RemedyAloe Vera is praised in the skin care industry as a skin detoxifying agent. Both turmeric and Aloe Vera have numerous nutrients beneficial for the skin. These nutrients include polysaccharides, enzymes, and vitamins.

For this procedure, all we need is Aloe Vera and turmeric powder. Mix a teaspoonful of both till you get a paste. We will apply this paste on our face and leave it there for about 20 minutes. After that wash your face with warm water till you get the yellow color on your face.
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